The videos listed below provide useful tips on how to grow, care for, and propagate bromeliads of all sorts. There are even more short video clips posted on YouTube and new ones are added all the time. As always, your specific growing conditions may require adjustments to the suggestions provided. Belonging to a local club, such as ours, and talking with local growers is a great way to learn what works best in your area and under your growing conditions.
Tips on Growing Bromeliads:
How to Care for Bromeliads
How to Water / Care for Indoor Bromeliads
Removing a bromeliad pup and potting it up
Make the Ideal soil mixture for bromeliads
Guzmania bromeliads explained :growing and care for guzmania
Bromeliads Online — How to Harvest Pups
Neoregelia neo bromeliads explained
Seabreeze Nurseries
Reblooming a Bromeliad
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